You Are The Hero is supported 100% by donations from individuals and corporations like you. We use these funds to cover our costs, pay our artists and to continue to provide all of our Kid Superheroes with illustrations completely free of cost.
We appreciate your support in any form or amount!
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Become a Volunteer
You Are The Hero is a growing organization and we are always looking for awesome helpers to continue to spread our mission and our programs. Volunteer opportunities come in all shapes and sizes and we are willing to work with anyone willing to help to find the right role. We are currently looking for the following volunteers:
One of You Are The Hero’s biggest needs is more volunteer artists to help illustrate Heroes. We are currently on an 8-10 month wait for new Hero Submissions and our goal is to cut this time down significantly. If you have illustration experience we would love to speak with you. We’re looking for illustrators that meet the following conditions:
Passion for kids
Willing to serve as a volunteer artist
Willing to produce regular illustrations (flexible output)